Help menu

Help - Display VideoMach help index.

How to... - Open the internet page with tutorials.

Check for Updates - Connect to the internet and check if there's a newer version of VideoMach available.

Home Page - Visit the VideoMach home page.

Buy Now - Purchase a VideoMach license.

Upgrade Your License - Upgrade expired license or upgrade to another license.

Enter License Key - After purchasing the license, click here to enter the license key. Or click "Register" on the splash screen.

Why Professional Version - Shows you the advantages of Professional mode.

Upgrade to Professional Version - Switch from Standard to Professional mode.

Program Log:

Log This Session - Write diagnostic data to the log file.

Copy Log to Clipboard - Copy the log to clipboard, so you can paste it into an email message.

Open Log in Editor - Display the log in text editor.

About - Show version and copyright information.